28/08/18-23/11/18 (Week 1 - Week 13)
Ashila Putri Sandi (0332938)
Publishing 2: Mass Communication
Final Submission and Reflections 








Exercise 1: Signature Binding

Fig 1.1 Book Size Exploration

Fig 1.2 Book Size Exploration

Fig 1.3 Chosen Size with Staple Binding

Fig 1.4 Chosen Size with Staple Binding

Fig 1.5 Chosen Size with Staple Binding
Exercise 2: Van de Graaf Grid

Fig 1.6 Van de Graaf Grid on A3 Paper

Fig 1.7 Van de Graaf Grid on A4 Paper (Printed)

Fig 1.8 Digitized version of Van de Graaf Grid with The Chosen Book Size
Exercise 3: Signature Fold

Fig 1.9 Signature Fold Open 

Fig 1.10 Signature Fold (A3 Paper) to Indicate Page Number

Fig 1.11 Signature Fold with Binding (From Behind)

Fig 1.12 Signature Fold with Binding (From Up Side)
Exercise 4: Text Formatting


3000 Words Text Formatting


Fig 2.1 Illustrations Compilation


Final Thumbnails (Full Layout)

Fig 3.1 Cover

Fig 3.2 Final Layout Thumbnail (1)

Fig 3.3 Final Layout Thumbnail (2)

Fig 3.4 Final Layout Thumbnail (3)

Fig 3.4 Final Layout Thumbnail (4)
Fig 3.5 Final Layout Thumbnail (Back Cover)

Book Spreads
Fig 3.6 Final Cover

Fig 3.7  Spread 1

Fig 3.8  Spread 2

Fig 3.9  Spread 3

Fig 3.10  Spread 4

Fig 3.11 Spread 5

Fig 3.12  Spread 6

Fig 3.13  Spread 7

Fig 3.13  Spread 8
Fig 3.14  Spread 9

Fig 3.15  Spread 10

Fig 3.16  Spread 11

Fig 3.17  Spread 12

Fig 3.18  Spread 13

Fig 3.19  Spread 14

Fig 3.20  Spread 15

Fig 3.21  Spread 16

Fig 3.22  Final Back Cover
Final Book (PDF)

Final Printed Book

Fig 3.23 Final Printed Cover

Fig 3.24 Half Title Page

Fig 3.24 Full Title Page
Fig 3.25 Content Page
Fig 3.26 Introduction Page
Fig 3.27 Content: Chapter 1

Fig 3.28 Content: Chapter 1
Fig 3.29 Content: Chapter 1
Fig 3.30 Content: Chapter 2

Fig 3.31 Content: Chapter 3

Fig 3.32 Content: Chapter 3

Fig 3.31 Back Cover Final


Thumbnails for Desktop Version ( 1366 x 768px) 
Fig 4.1 Desktop E-book Thumbnails (1)

Fig 4.2 Desktop E-book Thumbnails (2)

Fig 4.3 Desktop E-book Thumbnails (3)

Fig 4.4 Desktop E-book Thumbnails (4)

Fig 4.5 Desktop E-book Thumbnails (5)

Online E-book (Desktop)

Thumbnails for iPhone Version (750 X 1334px)

Fig 4.6 iPhone E-book Thumbnails (1)

Fig 4.7 iPhone E-book Thumbnails (2)

Fig 4.8 iPhone E-book Thumbnail (3)

Online E-book (iPhone)

Click here if you want to download the ePub


Overall from this project, I really enjoyed doing this book, especially with the illustration and layout. This project forced me to explore more for inspiration while doing the layout. Moreover, it was such an experience doing the Van de Graaf Grid and also actually did my own staple binding. It was hard for me, but I was proud of my work at that time. With all the workload at this 3rd semester, this project was my favorite one. Although it was very stressful at first while generating all the content and illustrations, I managed to finish all on time. However, after I finished my works and showed to Mr. Vinod, he gave me feedback and at that time I was too lazy to refine my work. In the end, I tried to push my self and get it all done before the next class.

From this module and this project, I observed that everyone in my class has their own specialty and different style of work. Not only the art style but also their working style; how they manage their time, how they manage to finish their work and more. Including Mr. Vinod. I observed that he has a very good attitude as a designer and as a lecturer. He cared so much about his students and our improvements. Moreover, he's very diligent and neat. I learned a lot from him and also from my classmates. Although they were so quiet in the class, when I asked them for help, they were willing to help.

Then again, time management is really important especially when you have a lot of assignments to do. It's been a year I've been studying in Graphic Communication Design major, but sometimes I still couldn't manage my time well. Moreover, I've learned that we couldn't be easily satisfied with our work because we need to push ourselves and as a designer, it is important to make our work aesthetically pleasing and visual-friendly in terms of layout, graphics, illustration, etc. Then, tracking our progression, and record all the processes are very important so we can see our improvement and learn from it in the future.


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