1/4/19-3/4/19 (Week 1)
Ashila Putri Sandi
Packaging and Merchandising

Lecture 1

On this session, I wasn't able to come to the class. However, I asked my classmates to share their notes from the lecture that Mr. Shamsul told them. Moreover, we were told to make a group consisting of 2 people for the exercise. 

My classmate told me that on that session they were discussing the purpose of packaging which is to deliver the goal of the product by attracting the consumers. It is also aimed to protect the product to keep it stays in good shape. However, packaging should have a primary and secondary function. Primary functions are for safety and storage function, while secondary functions are normally brand visibility and for marketing purposes. Moreover, there's an additional function which is sustainability. These function of the packaging are supposed to let the consumer trust and attracted to the product/brand.

Primary Functions

Protective function : To protect the content inside the product from loss, damage and theft from the environment. It required protection from climate condition, contamination and other negative impact.

Storage function : Packaging materials & containers required for producing packages must be stored in many different locations before packaging of the goods and once the package contents have been used. Packaging must fulfil a storage function

Loading and transport function:Packaging should be designed to be easily handled and to permit space-saving storage. Shape & strength of packages should be safe and efficient to be held, lifted, moved, set down and stowed.

Secondary Functions

Sales function : To enable or promote the sales process efficiently by the packaging

Promotional function : To attract potential purchaser’s attention and to have positive impact upon the purchasing decision.

Service function : To show the informations on the packaging based on the contents of the product and the usage of it.

Guarantee function : The packaging should have undamaged and unblemished package with the guarantee of their nature, composition, weight, quantity, and storage life. This is for consumer protection and product liability.

Tertiary Functions

Additional Function : Whether the materials / containers may be reused once the package content have been used such as recycling.

Wednesday 03/04/2019 

On this session, Mr.Shamsul let us wrote down in the board about  what are the things that needed to be considered when making a packaging. However, the considerations are pretty much leads to the purposes and functions of packaging. 

Week 2
Monday 08/04/2019 

Lecture 2

Importance of Packaging Design

In the process of branding a product, everything does not stop with the logo. Humans are visual creature which is why customers are drawn to products that look good key part of associating brand to a certain thing. Customers that are drawn to a package are bound to remember it later. Key part of marketing product and ensuring it sells is the packaging design.

Purchase intention is the likelihood of a customer buying the same product again based on their purchase history.

Purchase decision is the thought process that leads a consumer from identifying a need, generating options, and choosing a specific product and brand.

Where it begins

A good design should always reflect the product and the creativity and personality of the company. From the shape of the package to the materials used should not forget its functionality. For example, of the many things to take into consideration when creating a package, one of the most important things to remember is certainly the protection it offers to the product. There's no point in making a package look visually interesting if it is not protecting the product.

How to make the Perfect Packaging Design

Even though by following the trend in packaging designs, does not mean it would work for the product. Don't let your customer doesn't recognise your product just because you want to follow the trend and lose the brand identity. People want to get the information in quick and simple way more than anything. Companies want people to buy their products, they don't want people to walk away and buy a competing product merely because the information can be accessed more quickly on their package. 

What customer wants

Good packaging should also reflect the personality of the company. Logo plays a vital part when it comes to marketing. Customers want to associate a product with something positive and the packaging design is often the first thing that comes to their mind.

Role of Packaging

A. Function

The true function of product packaging is to protect the product during shipment from the manufacturer to the store selling it. Packaging is also a form of protection as the product sits on store shelves waiting for consumers to come along and purchase it. In marketing and market development, packaging is the "dress" on the product, which can play a role in whether the product sells in a new market or to new customers.

B. Branding

Product packaging also plays a vital role in the branding process of the product. InvestorWords defines a brand as a symbol, wording or another type of mark that differentiates a product or business from its competition, and branding is an essential part of marketing for many products and companies. Some products carry different branding, depending on the market in which they are sold especially in different countries. 

C. Benefits

Packaging help sell the product because it provides space  for sharing information about the product. For example, some packaging contains marketing messaging on the front to attract customers to pick it up and look at the product. In essence, the packaging can help to paint a picture of how the product benefits the customer. 

D. Features

Packaging also can share information on the features of the product. Size, measurements, uses and more printed on the packaging of a product can help customers decide if the product fits their needs. For example, if a customer is shopping for an under-the-sink garbage can, he needs to know the measurements of a product to make sure it will fit under his sink.

E. Identification

Packaging also can help customers identify the products or companies they are loyal to. For example, if a local restaurant decides it wants to sell its famous salad dressing in retail stores, the salad dressing packaging and label may carry the restaurant's logo, name, and colour scheme. Using packaging that carries the same brand helps customers of the restaurant identify the brand when shopping at the local grocery store. 

What is on a packaging ?

A. Clarity and Simplicity

Next time you go to a supermarket, pick a random shelf and browse through some products. Glance at each and ask yourself two very simple questions: What's this product for? What's the brand behind it?

B. Honesty

By depicting a product ten times better than it actually is, you're misleading and ultimately disappointing the consumer, which only leads to poor sales performance and very bad brand image. It is the task for designer to represent the best way possible but keep in mind that consumers deserve to be treated right.

C. Authenticity

Originality, Character and Memorability are at the heart of great brands and of course, great packaging designs. It's easy to understand why there are hundreds of products out there, all competing for consumers' attention. The only way to set your brand apart is to be different, to be authentic.  

D. Extensibility

A product packaging design concept should allow for an easy introduction of a new line extension (product variation) or a sub-brand. Always design product packaging with the future in mind. This means creating a visually systematic design which allows for easy changes of product visual or other information, so you get a fine looking family of products in the end. 

E. Practicality

Practicality deals with the actual shape, size and functionality of the product container, not just the label or wrap. The more practical the product, the more sales it gets.


Exercise 1 : Die-line Exercise

On the second session in the first week, we were told to bring any item for us to do the packaging. I brought a key chain, lotion, and a bottle. From those three, I finally chose lotion because I want to make a simple box with some unique shape for the hole. Then, we were also told to bring materials for making the die-line manually before moving digitally. 
Fig 1.1 Die-line Sketches

Fig 1.2 Die-line Sketches

Fig 1.3 Manual Prototype

Fig 1.4 Tuck Top Bottom Part 
Fig 1.5 Tuck Top Lock 

Fig 1.6 Final Manual Prototype

Box Design (Colour Exercise)

On this session, after the third group present their findings about colors in typography Mr. Shamsul gave us a task to design a package that can be used to hold a special gift. We could choose and decide what gift we wanted to make. Moreover, we needed to develop a brand name or the gift's name and also the art direction that we wanted to make. Then we could also add some decoration and explanation about the gift. The important part was the chosen color and the reason why I chose/used that color for that particular gift. In this case, I chose to make a perfume brand named "Camellia" which is a name of a flower.

Fig 2.1 "Camellia" Packaging Design

Thermoforming Exercise

On this week, we were told to bring 1 or 2 plastic sheets A3 size, and 1 or 2 items that could hold a heat because we were doing a thermo forming exercise. First, we were briefed about the do's and don'ts while doing this exercise. We need to be careful about our belongings and also ourselves. The safety is the most important thing and we need to calm if anything bad happens. 

Fig 3.1 First step is putting your item on the board

First step, you need to put your item on the specific size of board you want because the plastic will melt and transform into another shape according to our items and the board underneath.

Fig 3.2 Step 2 is to put the plastic sheet above the item
Second, put the plastic sheet (A3 size) above the item. You can reuse the plastic that has been used before (like the picture above) or you can use a brand new plastic sheet because after all the plastic will melt again.

Fig. 3.3 Step 3 is to lock the frame
After that what we need to do is to lock the frame and begin to turn on the dryer (heater). This dryer has a higher heat option compare to other dryer for example our hair dryer, so we need to be careful when turning on/off the thing. The next step to do is to melt the plastic for about a minute or so. 

Fig 3.4 Put the thing up so the plastic can transform into the shape of the box

After the plastic melted, we put the item up and let the plastic transform into a new shape. Then we begin to heat the specific part for some parts again so it can follow the shape of the item.

Fig 3.5 The Aftermath

Fig 3.5 The Item with The Plastic on it

Fig. 3.6 Other Angle and details
The next thing to do is to cut the edges and follow the board shape that you put under the chosen item. We need to be careful while using the cutter and the ruler. Right after that we can put our cardboard behind it.


Week 1
From the die-line exercise Mr Shamsul told me that I needed to fix the top tuck lock bottom because it couldn't hold the item. Thus, I needed to come up with the different type of lock bottom and start the digital die-lie. However, Mr Shamsul said that the hole design was pretty interesting.

Week 2
On the second week I tried to laser cut my die-line. It was not that neat because of the material that I used and also I made mistake on the lock bottom. However, Mr Shamsul said that it was okay and I could redo it again on the next session, but unfortunately I didn't have the material and there were a lot of my classmates who haven’t done their laser cut.

Week 3
On this week I told Mr. Shamsul about my idea for the first assignment. I decided to make a packaging for button badges and Mr. Shamsul approve my idea. On the following session, I show my progression and sketch and then I was told to make the die-line of the paper bag, book sleeve, and also the button badges packaging.

Week 4
For the box design (color exercise) I got some advice from the lecturers, they said I needed to change the point size of the text because it was too big, also put the information on the other side of the box so it would not be too full on one side. However, Mr Shamsul said that the art direction was clear and he liked the chosen colors.


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