26/2/19 & 28/2/19 (Week 8)
Ashila Putri Sandi (0332938)
Entertainment Design
Assignment 2 Progression


Presentation 4 (28/2/19)

Notable Brand Activation case studies analysis. Produce a case study on your selected Brand Activation designs and explain why is it the best you have seen.



The theme and art direction were nice as it looked like the mood of the TV Show (Stranger Things). We could've put the conclusion part at the beginning instead of making it the last so that the audience would have a vision and clue of what were we going to present. It is because of the aim of this presentation was to explain about how they promote their show and the step by step process. Thus, Mr. Mike also commented of how we should have organized the slides according to the time period whether which process is first or last, for example, social media promotion was an ongoing activation, while comic con (on-ground) was in the middle and the billboard was the first one and so on. Moreover, there was some part that we didn't explain much thus we needed to explain it again after the presentation to Mr. Mike.


Fig 1.1 Key Art (1)

Fig 1.2 Key Art (2)

Fig 1.3 Key Art (3)

This week, we already came up with some visuals that we planned to use it for our assets or key art. Moreover, from last week brainstorming, we made a timeline. However, Mr. Mike gave us feedback and asked us to fix the timeline because it wasn't complete and there were things that we needed to add before we launched the microsite.

Fig 1.4 RIFT Brand Activation Timeline (Draft)

                                                                          Fig 1.5  Final Wireframe Layout 

After we got feedback about the wireframe, Mr. Mike told us to make it digitized. Then, he replied to us and told us to proceed to the actual execution. Moreover, we also searched up for references for the microsite.

 Fig 1.6 Journey Microsite

Fig 1.7 Gravity Daze Microsite

                                                                           Fig 1.8 Firewatch Microsite

Furthermore, we also made a document for us to put all the idea content for our microsite.


We wanted to focus on our last presentation first before doing our project 2A. However, because we have limited time, as a group we needed to make a desk job for each person. On this week, I was focusing on the visuals, wireframe, and timeline, while Wynne was focusing on all the assets. Arif helped me to make the sitemap and digitize the wireframe, also he did research and study case about a similar game so that we could’ve had a vision of our own project development, 

Although my group members are from a different batch, we get along pretty well. It is all about communication and strategy on how are we going to do the project. I am the kind of person who wants to take charge of everything (sometimes I overthink about everything too much), thus on the good side I always remind my group mates to do their work and I tend to make things to do list for our group in the Whatsapp group. I noticed that each of my group members has different talents and superiority. Although sometimes we argue about things, we tend to always come up with the solution at the end. 

From this week I learned that communication is really important. Not because now I am majoring in communication design but also in my daily life. Hard skill is important for us designers, but soft skill is even harder to achieve, especially when it comes to dealing with people we don’t really know well. I’ve learned that maybe from now I need to focus on my strength and pursue what I really like in design and do it passionately. Good work ethic is really important and I need to upgrade myself in the future.


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