Ashila Putri Sandi (0332938)
Design Research Methodology
Final Assessment - Research Report and Presentation


Research Report Brief
The compilation of the contents from the proposal, research, and research implementation is to be found in the research report.

The students are to produce a PowerPoint report that is organized and complete with the following:
1. Research topic
2. Research area
3. Problem statement
4. Research objective(s)
5. Research question(s)
6. Research rationale
7. Literature review (research)
8. Research implementation (selection and justification of primary research methods)
9. Data collected from primary research
10. Reference list
11. Picture credit list

Briefing: Week 11; Deadline: Week 13

Submission Format
1. Digital submission in e-portfolio blog, CONVERTED TO PDF.
2. To verbally present simplified PowerPoint slides on submission day.

Assignment Goals
1. Students to communicate effectively through writing, design and verbal presentation
2. Students to apply research and referencing skills


Research Report



Previously in Highschool, I've made a research paper about an experiment. However, it was with my own language. The process was a bit similar, but it was kind of hard for me to actually word my thoughts out. The thing that I've never done before was making the critical review, it was a lot of readings to read and analyze. This module was really challenging for me, and I really wanted to give all of my best for this research. Moreover, I wanted to learn throughout this module, I wanted to explore new things and learn from my mistakes (feedback from the lecturer). I also got the experience to actually do an online interview with people, and it made me nervous while waiting for their responses. It turned out pretty well, and most of them gave the answer that I needed for my research.


From this module, I observed that I needed to be more critical while doing a research. Moreover, time management was really important because so far this semester was the most hectic semester compared to previous ones. I also observed that dealing with other people and have social skills was really important while doing this project. 

I learned that it's important as a designer to be critical about other aspects outside the design field such as social skills and analytical skills. Also, I learned that I needed to practice more when it comes to presenting my findings, and my thoughts. I also needed to be more confident about myself and learn more vocabulary while doing a presentation.


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