Ashila Putri Sandi (0332938)

Branding Strategies
Project 2B: Purpose, Positioning & Personality


Project 2B: 15%

The Brief
Purpose, Positioning & Personality

Duration of Assignment
Week 1 – 5

Week 5

You are required to articulate the brand strategy by writing a creative brief. Additionally, produce a set of mood board that illustrates your brand identity.

Creative Brief
Brand name
Brand story
Brand message
Big idea

Mood Boards (Images & Description) 
The ideal brand image
Colour palettes
Visual style

* Please add more boards if needed.

An effective strategy will maximize the image and value of a brand.

Requirements / Submission
15 minutes presentation with a compilation of creative brief and mood boards

To practice how to present an effective strategy to promote a brand



For the positioning presentation, I was doing repetition of my SWOT analysis. Thus, I needed to evaluate and reword my presentation again especially the brand goals and brand message. I needed to fix my slide layout to be clearer because I mixed the typography and color scheme on the same slides. Moreover, for my concept, I needed to choose another approach/style considering my targeted audience.


This project needed a lot of thinking especially I wasn’t really sure about my concept and objective of the campaign that I wanted to make. I was struggling to make the SWOT analysis and lack of research. Furthermore, I encountered some obstacles such as constructing a good sentence, choosing references for my brand, and also arranging the slides for the mood board. However, I managed to finish all on time and I fixed and learned all my mistakes by consulting with Ms. Lilian. Her feedback helped me a lot to develop my work and gave me more ideas.

I observed that I need to make sure the topic of my choice is well-prepared and is the best suited for the project. Moreover, in general, the project completed before-hand is linked to the projects after. Thus, in this case, I noticed that having a coherent idea is crucial and we need to provide a strong position in the brand that we want to make.


I need to learn more while making an event, cause, or campaign because there is a lot of research needs to be done. Moreover, I have to stop being indecisive and set my mind to accomplish an idea, because I was struggling to choose the background objective of my campaign thus it affected all the processes after. However, I enjoyed this project because I could improve my creative thinking and idea development.


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