Advertising Principle & Practice Project 2 : Media Strategy

Ashila Putri Sandi [0332938]
Advertising Principle & Practice
Project 2 : Media Strategy

Lecture 4


Advertising (Message & Choice of Media)
Media refers to the main means of mass communication regarded collectively. Traditional media refers to television. radio, newspaper, magazine, and poster. On the other hand, new media refers to the internet modes of mass communication such as social media, blogs, online news portals, games, etc. Both are used for the purpose of advertising although traditional media has seen decline over the years especially in newspaper ad revenue. Mr Vinod told us that full print of newspaper can cost from RM 1500- RM 4000 per page which is very expensive whereas the new media can provide cheaper way to make an advertisement.

Media strategy describes how advertisers will achieve the stated media objectives which media will be used, where, how often and when.

“The medium is the message” - Marshall McLuhan

Traditional - Journalist, writer need to be sure, and meticulous to make sure there are no mistakes, and they must gone through research. It will take more time and effort.

New Media - Quick, writers and journalist or anyone can edit the content anytime, anywhere as long as you’re connected to the internet.


Fig 1.1 Forum Question
Answer :

Integrated Marketing Communication is a management concept where all the facets of marketing communication work together as one rather than as isolated aspect, in contrast media mix is more like the combination of communication channels of a marketing plan or campaign.

1.Both can deliver the marketing message to the consumers, buyers, or customers and assure them to consume, buy, or use their brand
2.IMC and media can be very cost effective tool to maximize marketing. When done right, the message intended will be received by consumers effectively. Consequently, it can lead to maximization of sales as well as profit.
Lecture 5

Advertising in a Free- Market Economy

A free market economy is a market-based economy where prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply & demand, and are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by government policy & it typically entails supports for highly competitive markets & private ownership of productive enterprises.

Generally, there are five advertising practices in support of marketing:
    1    Understanding the target audience
    2    The planning process
    3    The creative process
    4    Reading the target audience
    5    Integrated marketing communications

Notes :
As a designer we have to be able to understand marketing as well as their language (business language). Design thinking is important but is not enough and people are going to be skeptical to us as a designer.

Lecture 6

Advertising Campaign Communication
Advertising campaign communication depends on a synergy of visual and verbal components. We were shown examples of well-known advertising campaign such as Apple and Nike. From the lecture, Mr Vinod wanted us to know that it is not just about making an advertising for a particular product, thus good advertising focuses on the values of the brand and build up the overall brand image and of course be able to communicate well to their customers, consumers, or buyers. A good advertisement will be remembered and become timeless because usually they emphasize on the message and value of the brand. When done efficiently, the customers or buyers will relate and they are buying into a lifestyle or ideals not just purchasing the products.

Fig 1.2 Forum Question 2
Answer :

Marketing in a Communist System, from what I read Market Communism/socialism is a type of economic system involving the public, cooperative or social ownership of the means of production in the framework of a market economy. From the article that I read marketing in communist system relentless ideological self-criticism — usability science is basically design communism. It begins with the honest impulses of the proletariat (customer or visitor), examining problems they encounter and approaching them as your design challenges, with friction less dictatorship of the user’s needs as the ultimate goal. Also, they find a process that works, then iterate, iterate, iterate — look for successful processes that you can come back to again and again. Moreover, in branding a content, it’s at least as important to be consistent as it is to be excellent. Lastly, “Being an outsider is a competitive advantage” — means be where your competitors aren’t.


After much research, I’ve decided to use Social Media advertising, Magazine advertising and also Direct mail advertising which is a flyer.
Social Media Advertising
Social media - The term “social media” refers to the wide range of Internet based and mobile services that allow users to participate in online exchanges, contribute user created content, or join online communities.
Social media advertising - the planning and executing of advertising campaigns through those channels. Social Media Advertising is also a term used to describe online advertising that focuses on social networking sites
Social media advertising can consider being one of the cheapest, easiest and most effective way to reach Gen Y (heavy internet user). 

Compensation Methods

  • Online Advertisements are acquired through the following vehicles below.
  • CPM* (Cost per mile): Pay for every thousand displays of their message to consumers.
  • CPC* (Cost per click): Pay each time a user clicks on the ad.
  • CPE (Cost per engagement): Pay when the consumer interacts with the ad.
  • CPV (Cost per view): Pay per view of video advertisement.
  • CPI (cost per install): Pay when a mobile application is installed.
  • Attribution of ad value: Measured when ads are effective in “attributing” to a consumer’s decision to purchase.
  • CPA (Cost per action): Pay for the number of users who perform an activity.
  • Fixed Cost: Pay a fixed cost for delivery of ads over a certain period of time.
  • Social media advertising, or social media targeting, are advertisements served to users on social media platforms. Social networks utilize user information to serve highly relevant advertisements based on interactions within a specific platform. (Terry, 2017)
  • When target market aligns with the user demographics of a social platform, social advertising can provide huge increases in conversions and sales with a lower cost of acquisition. (Terry, 2017)
  • Gen - Y is called digital natives, rather than digital immigrants. (Prensky, 2001)
  • They’re the first generation to have spent their entire lives in the digital environment; information technology profoundly affects how they live and work (Bennett et al., 2008; Wesner and Miller, 2008)
  • Millennials as the first generation to have spent their entire lives in the digital environment; information technology profoundly affects how they live and work.  - (Bennett et al., 2008; Wesner and Miller, 2008)
In General

Often referred to as “digital natives,” millennials use technology to interact with brands and individuals on a more personal level; a level that wasn’t there for Boomers and Gen-X’ers. With the growing importance of engagement, brand messaging is more important when targeting millennials. According to the Boston Consulting Group, Millennials tend to engage best with content that’s relevant to them, transforming the way in which companies need to market their products and services in order to be successful.

Fig 2.1 Generation Y Social Media Percentage
Fig 2.2 Statistical chart of the average usage of social media
This statistical chart indicates the average daily usage of social media worldwide. As of 2017, daily social media usage of global internet users amounted to 135 minutes per day.

In Malaysia
Fig 2.3 Pie Chart of Internet User in Malaysia

According to the research by MCMC, from 32 million peoples in Malaysia, 24.5 million users (76.9%) have an access to Internet, and the others 7.5 million (23.1%) do not have an access to the Internet.

How Malaysian access the Internet? According to MCMC, Smartphone is the main medium on how Malaysia access the Internet. There are 89.4% (21.9 milllion peoples) access their smartphone, compared to other medium such as laptop, netbook and PC desktop. Here’s the full list how Malaysian access the Internet.
Fig 2.4 Infographic of most used platform to access the Internet in Malaysia

Moreover, as seen at the research by Statcounter,these statistics acquired indicate the most used social media websites in Malaysia with majority of 80.88% using Facebook the most, followed by YouTube with 6.12%
Fig 2.5 Statictics by Statcounter - Social Media Stats in Malaysia

In addition, for the past decades a vast proliferation has seen in the use of social media sites, be it by individuals or businesses alike. Individuals took advantage of the user-friendliness of social media sites and applications for socializing and communicating, as well as voicing out their opinion; while businesses benefited from social media with marketing and advertising opportunity.
Fig 2.6 Internet User Survey

    •    Familiarity, advertising on a platform with which you and your audience is already familiar gives you an automatic advantage.

    •    Cost-Effectiveness, Social media advertising follows a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning you only pay when users take the action you want them take (such as clicking through to a web page or filling out a lead form). One study by Ad Espresso found an average of $.28 per click for the US (source: Ad Espresso)

    •    Supporting Content, We can be posting and sharing various forms of content such as photos, videos, and website links through your free account to bolster your messaging and reach your audience.

    •    Targeting, In complete control of who sees your ads, saving you time, effort, and money. With the psychographic data available on social media, the level targeting is unmatched by traditional media. In addition to age, gender, relationship to your business, even political affiliation, you can target interests, hobbies, personality types, homeowner status, and more. Also, by using tools like hashtags and unique landing pages you can make your messaging and promotions more relevant, focused, and potentially more profitable.

    •    Build Brand Loyalty & Followers


How and when?

Facebook has a user base larger than the population of China. With 1.49 billion members worldwide, and 22 billion ad clicks per year, Facebook is providing businesses with the largest advertising opportunity since search. So yes, the audience is on there somewhere – it’s just a matter of finding them.

    •    Based on statistic from American Press Institute, the most used social media by Gen Y is Facebook

    •    SPCA Selangor already has a Facebook page which they update it constantly

    •    They usually post relevant contents such as events, activities, campaign, and so on.

    •    In this case, SPCA Selangor should make a new campaign to promote and pursue focusing on their SMP (Single Minded Proposition) by using up to trend and also contain humour as based on CGPR Public Relation research, Gen Y responds more to those aspects.
    •    By using filter features on Facebook, SPCA Selangor can develop and promote their ads in the news feed to more specific targeted audience. This will help to increase brand awareness towards the appropriate audience.

Fig 2.7 Oreo Facebook Page

Oreo Facebook Page provides and constantly updated with attractive illustration and fun advertisements/campaign instead of just promote the brand itself. SPCA can take this approach to represent credibility.
Image result for facebook advertisement
Fig 2.8 Ads Places on Facebook

According to the Pew Research study, 55 percent of all online 18- to 29-year old in the U.S. are using Instagram.Thus, as millennials are the primary users of Instagram, a specific page of SPCA will be created on Instagram. From the Brand Insight that has been done, SPCA Instagram page does not post their campaign often. They usually post animal photographs in their shelter. In this case, SPCA should post other content to support their campaign frequently.Moreover, the advertisement posted on the SPCA Selangor Instagram page will be promoted using the advertisement space which is available on the homepage of Instagram. Filter features can also be used to control advertisement in order to reach the targeted audience demographic.

Fig 2.9 Example of Sponsored ad In Instagram
Print Media Advertising

Print media advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media, such as magazines and newspapers, or sometimes include flyers and brochure to reach consumers, business customers and prospects. Advertisers also use digital media, such as banner ads, mobile advertising, and advertising in social media, to reach the same target audiences. The proliferation of digital media has led to a decline in advertising expenditure in traditional print media, but print isn't dead.

Offer advertisers extensive choices of readership and frequency. Consumer magazines cover a wide range of interests, including sport, hobbies, fashion, health, current affairs and local topics. Many business and trade magazines provide coverage of specific industries, such as finance or electronics. Others cover cross-industry topics, such as communications or human resources, while still others focus on job-specific areas, such as publications for executives, marketing professionals or engineers. Publishing frequency is typically weekly, monthly or quarterly. As with newspapers, advertisers can take advertising spaces from classified ads to full page ads in black and white or color.

According to an article published by RealMatch, a company that helps digital publishers generate revenue with recruitment advertising, print newspaper and magazines are being embraced by younger generations. It shows that Gen Y is actually print’s faster growing market

Fig 2.10 Table of table towards each format of Ad
The table above shows attitude towards each of the following formats of advertising. It presents that Gen Y and X appear to be the most influenced by magazine ads compared to Gen Z.


Message Impact A key advantage of magazines over newspapers as a print medium is the potential for high-impact messages. Full-page magazine ads rich with color and visual imagery can attract attention and enhance the visual presentation of your products. Magazines commonly use glossy finish and allow for full-color spreads. You can use "bleed" images or color backgrounds -- meaning have them extend all the way to the page edges, without a border -- to present a product image that really stands out.

Audience Interest A major factor of magazine ad effectiveness relative to many other media is the interest of the audience. Magazine readers typically have strong interest in the theme or topic of a given magazine. There are hundreds of magazines often targeting niche interests. If you advertise a product or service closely tied to the magazine's theme, you likely reach readers who have natural interest in products or services like yours. Finding this close link between readers and your brand is critical to effectiveness.

Repeated Exposure Also contributing to the effectiveness of magazine ads is the potential for ongoing, repeated exposure. Homeowners and businesses commonly have magazine racks or other spaces where they keep magazines for other readers or repeat use. This gives you the potential to reach a large number of people with one copy and the same reader multiple times. Plus, since magazines are a static medium, readers can analyze or look at your message indefinitely.

Value A limiting factor to magazine effectiveness in the cost. Ads in national magazines commonly cost several thousand dollars per issue. You can opt for smaller, quarter-page or half-page ads to save money, but those often get lost in the clutter of a large magazine with lots of advertisements. Publications sometimes offer discounts for early submissions and for ads arranged through an advertising agency.

How and When?

    •    The advertisements will be printed on the main section of magazine (any kind, especially animal magazine) to catch attention of parents who want to adopt an animal for their children/themselves.
    •    SPCA can use opt for smaller, quarter-page or half-page ads to save money
    •    Also, put it on the young-adult section (student) who wants a pet.
    •    Size and type of advertisement will be vary in different section and include using creative space to advertise SPCA Selangor (especially their goal to get adopters)

Fig 2.11 Example of Magazine Ad
Fig 1.12 Example of Magazine Ad (McDonald's)
Direct Mail Advertising

Is a marketing effort that uses a mail service to deliver and advertising material to targeted audience. Direct mail encompasses a wide variety of marketing materials, including flyers, brochure, catalogs, postcards, newsletters and sales letter
Direct- mail advertising can be considered as one of the most effective and profitable ways to reach out to new and existing clients

A Flyer is a form of print advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in a public place, handed out to individuals or posted through mail (
Flyers are a low cost form of mass marketing or communication and comes in different size formats like
A4 (roughly letterhead size)
A5 (roughly half letterhead size)
DL (compliments slip size)
A6 (postcard size)

Flyers are a very effective method of direct marketing because they are versatile and affordable. Flyers are handed out on the street (this is a practice known as flyering or leafleting), distributed door-to-door through the mail, posted on bulletin boards, put under windshields of cars etc. ( Bulletin boards are found in college campuses, cafe’s, community meeting houses etc.Flyers/print media is also a form of interruption marketing as it captures the viewer’s attention and forces them to look at the flyer itself.


An InfoTrends study states that millennials are the most likely of any generation to read direct mail. In fact, 25% of millenials consider reading direct mail a leisure activity
(Direct Marketing Production Printing & Value-Added Services: U.S Report, 2016)
66% of millennials open direct mail, and 63% of them who have responded to a direct-mail piece within the pas three months made a purchase 82% of those age 18-34 cite print as part of their purchasing journey. 

Fig 2.12 Age Distribution of College Students

  • The chart shows the age distribution of college students in 2006 with the highest age group being from 18-22 which falls under Gen Y.
  • The data determines that it will be effective to hand out flyers at college campuses or post on bulletin boards on college campuses as it will reach their target audience
    •    Reach more people - Can reach more people as you are able to print a lot of copies because of the cost efficiency, you are able to share business information to those who may have not noticed you before (
    •    Quick results  - Handing out flyers offers quick results as it is a form of interruption marketing.
    •    Easy to read - Flyers are simple and easy to read as they are printed out with big type-faces and important information and they are made simple because their purpose is to persuade the consumers. The point is to be brief while passing relevant information.
    •    Cost effective - They do not require a lot of money to produce. A flyer can be both sides and produced with very little money. A computer is able to produce one copy with a result of printing out many.
    •    There is feedback -  When distributing flyers there is a face to face interaction which makes it easy for the company to see the reaction of consumers to the product or service and help to improve based on the consumer’s reaction.

Fig 2.13 Flyers on Magazine Wall
Fig 2.14 An example of Flyers
Presentation Slides


Week 2
The second week consisted with : Making a poster for School of Engineering, all the students were divided into 3 groups and required to bring a camera for poster picture. We managed to do 1 poster each group, but my group decided to do 2 posters for options. On the following session we were told to bring our first ten sketches about the chosen topic. In this case I chose SPCA. I drew 10 sketches, but most of them consisted with twisted lines. Mr Vinod asked me to show more visual aspect, because as a design student I should be able to practice my self more on the visual content.

Week 3
Specific Feedback : Several sketches were good. I marked the “desperate house-cats” sketch, the collar one, the dog waiting outside the pet-shop, and the dog and cat inside a plastic bag. General Feedback : Keep doing more sketches, and don’t focus on one concept. We need to mark down those sketches which possible to be used as a chosen concept and think about the legs.

Week 4
In-class exercise : After the session we were told to do an exercise which was making an advertisement about Scotch Tape. We were divided into 3 groups. My group did a mind-map and brainstorming, and decided to use a villain’s hands (in this case Joker) which cuffed with Scotch tape. Group Feedback : The advertisement might be difficult to understand because the Joker’s hand is not easily known. Moreover, we need to put the actual product. However, Mr Vinod said it was a nice attempt.

Week 5
Sketches Feedback : There were possibly three ideas that could be used and expaned more from this week. Generally Mr. Vinod told us to pick 5 from all the sketches from the past 5 weeks, then indicate the legs and look through the references and art direction if possible

This project was almost the same with the previous one, we needed to gather data and information. But, it was easier to analyse the research that has been done. Moreover, most of the information could be found through online sources or even from the previous project.
I observed that, there were a lot of research that should be done in order to make a good advertisement strategy. Although people mostly use online advertisement for marketing, I found that print media was also important and affecting the marketing process.

As a designer we also need to know about business language, business and marketing strategy, also doing a research is really important when it comes to attract costumers. Furthermore, when gathering information, we need to look at a credible resources and analyse it well.

Further Reading


Ad Boy (Vintage Advertising with Character) by Warren Dots

This book tells about vintage advertising with character. It tells that don’t sell the product, sell the feeling. It isn’t about what’s for sale, it’s about the emotional response of the customer who’s being courted. That’s why, in an increasingly unpredictable world, the friendly faces and forms of the critters and characters in the print ads and TV commercials we grew up with seem so reassuring. But why do they reach us in ways other images don’t? That’s because familiarity. They’ve been coming into our homes (and our heads) through magazines and television since 1950. However, nostalgia isn’t the only reason we think fondly of these imaginative creation. Commercial images and slogans, some of which even cleverly amusing, but they weren’t made entertain, although that was often a by-product. Company mascots were advertising ambassadors created not only to entice people to acquire a product or use a service, but also to brand or differentiate their products from the competition.


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