Week 1 - Week 6 Advertising Principle & Practice; Exercises

Advertising Principle & Practice
26/3/18 - 4/5/18 (Week 1 - Week 6)
Ashila Putri Sandi [0332938]
Exercises - Idea Sketches 

Lecture 1

On the first lecture, Mr Vinod told us about advertising. First, he asked us what is advertising based on our own understanding. Then, he explained to us that advertising is derived from the Latin Adverter. Ad means ‘toward’ and vertere means ‘turn on’ so adverter is ‘to turn toward’ or ‘turn towards’. Furthermore, advertising is actually a tool of marketing. Advertising seeks to make aware, persuade, communicate or create an image/brand for product, service, organisation, government or even an individual. Moreover, from The American Marketing Association (AMA, 2015) defines Advertising as, “The placement of announcements and persuasive messages in time or space purchased in any of the mass media by business firms, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and individuals who seek to inform and/ or persuade members of a particular target market or audience about their products, services, organizations, or ideas.”A more simplified definition by AMA is, “Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.”

After talking about the brief of advertising Mr Vinod told us about Basic Advertising Principle. Principles are essentially the fundamental rules or beliefs that underpin a certain profession. However,  there are many blogs and websites that will suggest a whole range of basic principles in advertising. Then Mr Vinod talked about William Bernbach’s 10 principles in advertising. Berncach is one of the three founders of advertising agency Doyle Dane Bernbach or better known as DDB ®.

Fig 1.1 The Iconic VW Beetle and Polaroid advertising campaign by DDB ®

Bernbach's Principles

Fig 1.2 Bernbach's Quotes

1. State the product essence in the simplest term

Go to the essence of the product. State the product’s essence in the simplest terms of its basic advantage. And state this both tangibly and memorable.

2. The product is the actor of the scene

Where possible, make your product an actor in the scene; not just a prop. This makes for a tremendously effective method of getting your product remembered. Because the provocative element in your advertising is also the element that sells your product. This is so simply stated, so difficult to execute.


3. Art and copy must be fully integrated
They must be conceived as a unit, developed as a unit

4. Advertising must have vitality

Advertising must have vitality. This exuberance is sometimes called “personality”. When advertising has a personality, it is persuasively different; and it is the one because of the other. You must fight to get “bounce” in your advertising.


5. It is little less than useless to employ gimmick in advertising

-- unless the gimmick itself tells the product story.

6. Tell the truth

Trust is important because if you lose trust you'll lose the consumer.

7. Be relevant

A wonderfully creative execution will get the big “So what” if it isn’t meant to their life, family, business etc. And always opt for an ad that’s relevant over one that’s exciting and irrelevant.

8. Be simple
Not simpleminded but single-minded (having one driving purpose or resolve.

9. Safe ideas can kill you

If it’s been done before, your competition will be ready for it. Your only chance of beating the competition is with advertising they’ve never seen before.  Which means you’ve never seen it before either!

10. Stand out. Be brave
One that is prominent or conspicuous especially because of excellence

Fig 1.3  Forum Question
Answers :
1. We can see a lot of different perceptions and point of view for today's advertisements. In my opinion, I think nowadays advertisement is not quite relevant, because advertisers want to make something new and different from others so they tend to make a new point of view or new trend by making something that is irrelevant become relevant (somehow), or maybe not. In addition, there actually a lot of irrelevant advertisement that has been done by a famous company.
2. Three principles that I felt strongly about
  • Stand out and be brave, because there are a lot of competitors and a lot of ads there. We need to produce fresh and creative ideas. The uniqueness of our ad and the new things that we bring could be the strong point.

  • Tell the truth, because people will trust you if you tell them the truth and when they trust you (company, etc.) there will be trust. Trust can be built by telling the truth to the people. Moreover, it could create an opportunity to spread the good things about your company, or else from word-of-mouth promotion.

  • Safe ideas can kill you, save ideas can be meaning we’re out of ideas so instead, we’re choosing the safe idea that might be acceptable by people (consumer, buyers). That is why we should explore more and be unpredictable.

Lecture 2
10/4/18 (Week 3)

A market is where buying and selling happens. It could expand geographically weather its statewide, nationwide, or internationally. The term marketing originates from Latin words, Mercari and Mercatus, which means "buy or trade". The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Marketing involves research, strategy, development, placement and promotions. 

Advertising, on the other hand, is one aspect of the marketing processes, where advertising involves communication and persuasion. It is also the most expensive aspect of marketing.

In short, marketing is about developing a demand for a product and fulfilling the customer's needs while advertising seeks to communicate convincingly to this customer that this should be his/her choice amongst the range of products available. 

"The management process through which goods and services more from concept to concept."

Lecture 3
13/4/18 (Week 3)
On this session, Mr Vinod told us more about creativity and how to create an effective advertising message for a specific target audience. Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. It involves two processes: thinking, then producing. If you have ideas but don't act on them, you are imaginative but not creative. Creativity in the context of advertising requires creative ads to make a relevant connection between a brand and its target audience, present a selling idea, and be unexpected.

Moreover, there are important parts of how are we going to produce our advertising. There should be a connection (elaborating connection) such as emotional connection or rational connection. it presents the selling idea, and it is better to be unexpected. Advertising can manipulate people coming up with inception idea. 

In order to create an advertising message that's effective, it's crucial to understand who you're speaking to. Market segmentation is a strategy of identifying groups of people with certain shared needs and characteristics within the broad markets for the consumer of business products and aggregating these groups into larger market segments according to their mutual interest in the utility of the product. Any social media utilize analytics to provide data. A consumer market can be segmented into four categories: behavioristic, geographic, demographic, and psycho-graphic.

Fig 1.4 Week 3 Forum Question
1.  For me, creativity is the ability to transform any ideas, rules, patterns, relationship, and so on to actually create meaningful new ideas or thoughts.
2. Sometimes marketing can be evil, in this case, marketing attempts to manipulate the consumer, buyers, or customers into spending on something by making a tricky advertisement. However, marketing is a worthy activity, it helps a company develop more useful product and help potential customers learn about a product or service that's worth considering.

Lecture 4

Advertising (Message & Choice of Media)
Media refers to the main means of mass communication regarded collectively. Traditional media refers to television. radio, newspaper, magazine, and poster. On the other hand, new media refers to the internet modes of mass communication such as social media, blogs, online news portals, games, etc. Both are used for the purpose of advertising although traditional media has seen decline over the years especially in newspaper ad revenue. Mr Vinod told us that full print of newspaper can cost from RM 1500- RM 4000 per page which is very expensive whereas the new media can provide cheaper way to make an advertisement.
Media strategy describes how advertisers will achieve the stated media objectives which media will be used, where, how often and when.
“The medium is the message” - Marshall McLuhan
Traditional - Journalist, writer need to be sure, and meticulous to make sure there are no mistakes, and they must gone through research. It will take more time and effort.

New Media - Quick, writers and journalist or anyone can edit the content anytime, anywhere as long as you’re connected to the internet.


Fig 1.1 Forum Question

Integrated Marketing Communication is a management concept where all the facets of marketing communication work together as one rather than as isolated aspect, in contrast media mix is more like the combination of communication channels of a marketing plan or campaign.

1.Both can deliver the marketing message to the consumers, buyers, or customers and assure them to consume, buy, or use their brand
2.IMC and media can be very cost effective tool to maximize marketing. When done right, the message intended will be received by consumers effectively. Consequently, it can lead to maximization of sales as well as profit.
Lecture 5

Advertising in a Free- Market Economy

A free market economy is a market-based economy where prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply & demand, and are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by government policy & it typically entails supports for highly competitive markets & private ownership of productive enterprises.

Generally, there are five advertising practices in support of marketing:
    1    Understanding the target audience
    2    The planning process
    3    The creative process
    4    Reading the target audience
    5    Integrated marketing communications

Notes :
As a designer we have to be able to understand marketing as well as their language (business language). Design thinking is important but is not enough and people are going to be skeptical to us as a designer.

Lecture 6

Advertising Campaign Communication
Advertising campaign communication depends on a synergy of visual and verbal components. We were shown examples of well-known advertising campaign such as Apple and Nike. From the lecture, Mr Vinod wanted us to know that it is not just about making an advertising for a particular product, thus good advertising focuses on the values of the brand and build up the overall brand image and of course be able to communicate well to their customers, consumers, or buyers. A good advertisement will be remembered and become timeless because usually they emphasize on the message and value of the brand. When done efficiently, the customers or buyers will relate and they are buying into a lifestyle or ideals not just purchasing the products.

Fig 1.2 Forum Question 2

Answer :
Marketing in a Communist System, from what I read Market Communism/socialism is a type of economic system involving the public, cooperative or social ownership of the means of production in the framework of a market economy. From the article that I read marketing in communist system relentless ideological self-criticism — usability science is basically design communism. It begins with the honest impulses of the proletariat (customer or visitor), examining problems they encounter and approaching them as your design challenges, with frictionless dictatorship of the user’s needs as the ultimate goal. Also, they find a process that works, then iterate, iterate, iterate — look for successful processes that you can come back to again and again. Moreover, in branding a content, it’s at least as important to be consistent as it is to be excellent. Lastly, “Being an outsider is a competitive advantage” — means be where your competitors aren’t.

In-Class Exercises

Week 1

Fig 2.1 Mindmap
Fig 2.2 Sketches
For the first week, Mr Vinod wanted us to get used to the brainstorming process before we began our idea sketches. Hence, we came up with a mind-map for the topic "Japanese Speaking Classes" by throwing out any keywords that we felt were related to the topic. We broke down the ideas into 3 mind-maps. After that, we sketched out possible ideas for an ad by combining two different elements from the mind-map in order to form a new visual.

Week 2

On the 2nd week, we got a job to do a poster for Taylor's School of Engineering. We were divided into 3 groups. Then, we were told to make a hook statement for the poster for 20 mins or so and after that, we had to take pictures for the poster in the School Of Engineering lab, classroom, or any object that would be used. So I took some pictures and later chose  2 of them for the poster.

Fig 2.3 Result for Brainstorming the Hook line
Fig 2.4 Keywords Mind map
Fig 2.5 Chosen Photo 1

Fig 2.6 Chosen Photo 2
After taking photos, we broke down the desk job for each person. One was doing the layout, the others were doing the photo editing, and making another option for layout.

Fig 2.7  Final Outcome 1
Fig 2.8 Final outcome 2
Week 4

(Group: Mansha, Shila, Tiffany, William)

In this class, we had to design an ad for Scotch tape within thirty minutes based on the brand's USP/SMP. My group decided to advertise their duct tape, so the idea we thought of was to show a strong supervillain (the Joker) being restricted by the tape, implying the strength of the product.

Fig 2.9 Final Outcome

Week 5
Group: Ashila, Wynne
We were told to search an Ad and specify the USM/SMP, idea, and their strategy.

Idea Sketches 

Mind Map and Sketches :


Week 2
The second week consisted of: Making a poster for School of Engineering, all the students were divided into 3 groups and required to bring a camera for poster picture. We managed to do 1 poster each group, but my group decided to do 2 posters for options. On the following session, we were told to bring our first ten sketches about the chosen topic. In this case, I chose SPCA. I drew 10 sketches, but most of them consisted of twisted lines. Mr Vinod asked me to show more visual aspect because as a design student I should be able to practice my self more on the visual content.

Week 3
Specific Feedback : Several sketches were good. I marked the “desperate house-cats” sketch, the collar one, the dog waiting outside the pet-shop, and the dog and cat inside a plastic bag. General Feedback : Keep doing more sketches, and don’t focus on one concept. We need to mark down those sketches which possible to be used as a chosen concept and think about the legs.

Week 4
In-class exercise : After the session we were told to do an exercise which was making an advertisement about Scotch Tape. We were divided into 3 groups. My group did a mind-map and brainstorming and decided to use a villain’s hands (in this case Joker) which cuffed with Scotch tape. Group Feedback : The advertisement might be difficult to understand because the Joker’s hand is not easily known. Moreover, we need to put the actual product. However, Mr Vinod said it was a nice attempt.

Week 5
Sketches Feedback : There were possibly three ideas that could be used and expanded more from this week. Generally, Mr Vinod told us to pick 5 from all the sketches from the past 5 weeks, then indicate the legs and look through the references and art direction if possible



From the exercises that have been done. I experienced doing a work and actually got paid (the poster for School of Engineering). The pressure was really intense and I wasn’t prepared to do a poster for a real client for only 6-hour-work. However, it was a group challenge so we managed to divide our own tasks. My group was the only group who came up with two options for a poster, and we felt pretty strong about our layout and overall design. However, for the other group project, which was the Scotch tape ad, my group was a little bit lost and didn’t manage our time very well. Thus, the execution was not really strong and clear. Moreover, for the sketches, there were a lot of ideas at first, but then as the week goes by I ran out of ideas and kept repeating the same idea over and over again.


I observed that it was easy to work in a group. I was able to work together easily, and it was nice to have someone listen to your ideas and I was okay when my ideas were not accepted. Furthermore, it was hard for me to came up with new, fresh ideas within a short time. My thinking process was so slow, I needed more time than others to understand something.


These exercises helped me to build up my work pace as well as my creativity while creating new ideas. I found that I like working as a group and gather all the ideas together because each idea could be combined together and become one great idea. However, I need to read more and explore more ideas to build up my creative thinking. Also, I have to be accustomed to working under uncomfortable (any) circumstances (limited time, pressures, etc.).

Further Readings

Advertising Planning and Implementation by Sangeeta Sharman and Raghuvir Singh

Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy

It is important for a marketing manager to understand consumer/customer behaviour as he/she wants to obtain usable managerial understanding about the consumer/customer. This book tells that managers who have a sound understanding of consumers can gain a competitive advantage for their corporations. All marketing strategies and tactics are based on explicit assumption or implicit beliefs about consumer behaviour. Decisions based on explicit assumptions, sound theory and information derived from research are likely to be more successful than decisions based solely on implicit beliefs. Furthermore, consumer behaviour is complex and multi-dimensional. It is very difficult for the marketing manager to comprehend and explain certain reactions or lack of it to their market offerings. Understanding deeper or below the surface level beliefs is difficult. Through on the surface, consumer behaviour appears to be simple, structure. conscious, and linear, but quick analysis of your own behaviour. Often consumer behaviour is complex, disorganised, subconscious, and circular.


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