Illustration and Visual Narrative; Project 2 : Graphic Novel

23rd of October '17 - 4th of November '17 (Week 8-Week 10)
Ashila Putri Sandi (0332938)
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Project 2: Graphic Novel

Lecture/Tutorial 8: Briefing on Graphic Novel

It was our 8th week and Mr. Hafiz wanted us to start drawing on Photoshop using a Wacom tablet. At first, we were asked to do stippling exercise and made our own brush also tried a different kind of brushes. We were also allowed to try anything we want to draw and not only with stippling technique.Our new project was Graphic Novel where we were told to pick a story from the story list that Mr. Hafiz gave us in Module Outline. After picking our story we were asked to make our narrative structures, mind maps, and mood boards. 

Fig 1.1 stippling and drawing in photoshop
Fig 1.2 First attempt drawing and stippling

For the graphic novel, I chose a story titled “A Manuscript Found in A Bottled” by Edgar Allan Poe. After reading the story I made my own understanding mind-map and did some sketches and also made a mood board.

Fig 1.3 Summary Of The Story
Fig 1.4 The Story Mind-map

Fig 1.5 Sketches (1)

Fig 1.6 Sketches (2)

Fig 1.7 Sketches (3)

Fig 1.8 Mood Board

Lecture/Tutorial 9 : Transitions Exercise

On the 9th week, Mr. Hafiz wanted to see our progression on our second project. He also wanted to give us some feedback to improve our artwork. While giving us feedbacks, we were given an exercise to see how well our understanding of transitions. There was a short comic story from the book Understanding Comic by Scott McCloud and we were asked to find 5 transitions from the story.

It was my turn to present my progress. Mr. Hafiz told me to post the story that I chose to Google+ and after that, he saw my mind map and sketches. Mr. Hafiz liked my mind map, and he gave me some advice for the sketches and transitions. At that time I wanted to do more drawing in Photoshop and chose a particular style for my graphic novel which required a lot of drawing. 

Fig 2.1 Exercise on Transitions 
Then I had several transitions that I have had done. After I finished all the transitions, I had to arrange my graphic comic on Adobe Muse. 

Fig 2.2 The first transition 

Fig 2.3 Second transition
Fig 2.4 Third transition 
Fig 2.5 Forth transition

Fig 2.6 Fifth Transition

Fig 2.7 Fifth Transition

Fig 2.8 The Last Transition
Fig 2.9 The Final Graphic Novel

Lecture/Tutorial 10: Animating Graphic Novel

On this 10th week, we were required to our graphic novel animated. I chose not to animate all of my drawings, but I animated several transitions.

Animated GIFs that I made


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