Week 3 - Week 4 Exercise - Surrealistic Photomontage

11/9/17  - Week 3-4
Ashila Putri Sandi (0332938)

Digital Imaging and Visualisation

Surrealistic Photomontage: Dali Atomicus, Galconda and The Man on The Moon
Combining an organing and an inorganic object

On the 3rd and 4th week we were supposed to create a surrealistic photo montage by combining organic and inorganic objects. In this material, we were taught about masking the picture first by doing exercise which was re-creating Dali Atomicus's artwork. After learning about masking and blending we were told to do our next exercise in class.

Tutorial &Exercise
Fig 1.0 The final look for the tutorial at class

Fig. 1.1 These are where my inspiration came up

Fig 1.2 My background image

Fig 1.3 Masking the background
Fig 1.4  Changing the sky background
Fig 1.5 Adding a kid by masking it first

Fig 1.6 Adding another kid 

Fig 1.7 Adding ice cream
Fig 1.8 Adding another ice cream

Fig 1.9 Adding some texture with blending mode

Fig 2.0 The final GIF 


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