Week I Exercise - Colour Restoration

28/8/17  - Week 1
Ashila Putri Sandi (0332938)

Digital Imaging and Visualisation

Introduction : Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop creates an artist's/designer's virtual studio. This software is different from other common software interfaces which emulate virtual typewriters graphing paper. 

On our first session in Digital Imaging and Visualisation class we were introduced to Photoshop and basic knowledge about the software, also we were taught about how to make a new project/document, some shortcuts and the basic tools that are commonly used. Those tools are brush tool, clone stamp tool, eyedropper tool, etc. Thus, we were instructed to search for a black and white image and colour it up with brush tool and a touch of blending mode. Also for the final touch we used clone stamp and eyedropper tool.

Img 1.1 Original B/W Image of an old Sherburne's Jewelers Store

Img 1.2 Making a new costume document

Img 1.3 Select File > Place Embedded to insert the image
Img 1.4 The image appears, need to resize the image
Img 1.5 After the image being re-sized
Img 1.6 Make another layer and rename it, then colour the bricks with brush tool and choose the blending mode

Img 1.7 Make another layer colour the sign

Img 1.8 Make another layer and colour another object

Img. 1.9 Almost fully coloured

The final look

The colours that I used were inspired by some pictures I found on the internet. Before colouring the image, I made a mood board for the colour scheme.


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